Wednesday Feb 23, 2022

Separating your business and personal finances from day one prepares you for the growth to come.

When you are first starting a business, you often need every dime of profit to keep the lights on at home. At that point, it doesn't always make sense to isolate your business accounts from your personal accounts. However, as your business grows it becomes absolutely essential to do so. As long as the ups and downs of your business are being felt in your household finances, it is nearly impossible to make the important decisions needed to grow your business. That new piece of equipment your business needs or that expensive ad campaign should never be in competition with the family's summer vacation. In this episode, we find out the need to separate your personal and business finances goes much deeper than buying decisions. If you don't have those isolated from each other, it means that the stress of every angry client who refuses to pay his bill, every big deal that falls through, and every employee that walks off the job is felt at home around the dinner table. If your home and business finances are intertwined, it's impossible to leave work at work and enjoy quality time with your family.

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