The JP Revolution
Small Businesses are the foundation of our communities. Those foundations are being shaken to their core by unfair systems that give all the advantages to the big corporations. Large companies have the time, resources, and expertise to take full advantage of all the modern marketing tools. On the other hand, small business owners lack those key elements and are overwhelmed by all the options available. It’s time for a revolution. It’s time for small businesses to be back on top in our neighborhoods. That will only happen if they understand how to use their limited resources efficiently. John Preston has the unique ability to take complex marketing and business concepts and break them into easily digestible stories.

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Before you can reach the level of success you crave, you have to know exactly what it is that is driving you to success. Once you have enough money to meet your needs, you must go deeper to find your true motivation. When you identify your higher purpose, you need to make sure that purpose stays top of mind at all times.
In today's episode, we take a closer look at how keeping your vision in front of you helps you do the things you need to do to be successful.

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Over the last couple of episodes, we have focused on the importance of figuring out your higher purpose. Once you know what really drives you to be successful, you can better leverage that to do the things you need to do to be successful. We also talked about keeping those values in front of you at all times to help keep you going.
Often those terms can be harder to wrap your mind around that it seems like they should be. In today's edition, I am going to share my own personal vision board to help illustrate just what one looks like and how it can influence your actions.

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
It's easy to get roped into thinking that your ultimate goal in running your own business and driving sales is to make more money. The problem is that research has shown over and over again that money is a poor motivator once a person's basic needs are being met.
When more money is the key, it's easy to kick the can down the road. You tell yourself, "I'll get started tomorrow. After all, I've made it this long without all that extra money. What difference are a few more days going to make?"
Once you start to delay action, however, one day becomes two... two days become a week...etc. Eventually, you just give up on your dream. It's happened to all of us many times.
In today's episode, we explore the importance of digging a little deeper and figuring out what really drives you.

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
We've all heard about the power of making a decision. That's the beginning of all good (and bad) things in our life. How many times have you made the decision to lose weight, get in shape, or be more successful. In each of those instances, you probably knew exactly what you needed to do reach your goals. Then why couldn't that "decision" carry you to success.
In today's episode, we take a closer look at those decisions and find out exactly what goes wrong for many of us that blocks us from having the success we want and reaching our goals.
(Courtesy: You are a Badass by Jen Sincero )

Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
One of my favorite Zig Zigler quotes has always been "Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs." It's only in the last few years that I have gained a full appreciation of how true this adage is. There is one caveat, however. It's not enough to simply have a bunch of books in your library, you have to actually read them.
In today's episode, we take a deeper look at how just reading a few pages a day can elevate your success to new levels. It not only focuses the mind, but helps build the confidence needed to succeed. To quote Warren Buffett, "The more you learn the more you earn."

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
When you are running your own business or selling a product it is very easy to get discouraged and convince yourself that you are not very good at what you do. That's the inner voice that we all have acting up and preventing us from doing the things we need to do to be successful. Quite frankly that inner voice often lies to us. Those lies cause us to judge ourselves on emotion rather than facts.
In today's episode we focus on tracking your data and keeping track of what's really happening in your business. When you know the truth, you are better able to make the improvements needed for success.

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
One of the things that often holds us back from success is that we judge ourselves way too harshly over failures and shortcomings that we experience. When we do that, we often place some mythical powers upon the people we see accomplishing things that we would like to accomplish. We tell ourselves things like... "They are so successful because they don't
have to deal with all the crap I deal with." or "Every time they walk through the door people just pull out their wallets to buy from them."
In today's episode, we talk about the dangers of judging your "insides" against the "outsides" of others.

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Success doesn't come from making very large decisions and then putting those decisions in action. When they do that, change seems so overwhelming that we often just shut down. Real success (in all walks of your life) comes down to how we choose in thousands of micro-decisions. Do I eat the cake or not? Do I make another call or check Facebook? Do I go for a walk or watch one more episode of Money Heist?
We make hundreds of the decisions daily between what we know we should do and what we feel like doing? For most of us, one decision trumps all the rest... it's called The Heroic Moment. (Courtesy: The Way by St. Josemaria Escriva )

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Whenever you start your own business, take a sales job, or join on with a direct sales company they usually do a really good job of teaching you how to sell the product. However, they don't do a very good job at teaching you the most important element for success: how to actually make yourself do the job. Without a boss hovering over your shoulder, it's way to easy to push things until tomorrow. In this episode, we take a close look at the psychology of success.

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
In this first episode of Wake Up 2 Success, business coach John Preston talks about how taking action and getting started is often the biggest challenge for entrepreneurs. Self doubt, insecurity, and fear often cause the business owners to delay action. Getting started, even if in a less than perfect way, is better than waiting for things to be just right. Success is messy!!!