The JP Revolution
Small Businesses are the foundation of our communities. Those foundations are being shaken to their core by unfair systems that give all the advantages to the big corporations. Large companies have the time, resources, and expertise to take full advantage of all the modern marketing tools. On the other hand, small business owners lack those key elements and are overwhelmed by all the options available. It’s time for a revolution. It’s time for small businesses to be back on top in our neighborhoods. That will only happen if they understand how to use their limited resources efficiently. John Preston has the unique ability to take complex marketing and business concepts and break them into easily digestible stories.

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
There are two subjects in the world that it's absolutely taboo to talk about out in the open: sex and money. Both are treated as dirty subjects; anyone who ever publically proclaims they want more of either faces ridicule and shame. Both are absolute necessities, yet carry such stigma. In this podcast about success, we are going to focus on the money side of this equation. Why is it that many people view the word "rich" as a "four-letter" word that should be avoided? Every business owner and salesperson thrives to make the most money they possibly can, but will then act embarrassed about that if asked. It's just not considered good form to say you want to be rich.
In this episode, we find out this bizarre outlook on wealth has been around for a long time. For some people, it is so ingrained in their subconscious that they will sabotage their own efforts toward success for fear of what folks might say to them or do to them if they ever did achieve the status of "rich".

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
If you are going to have any chance of reaching the level of success you dream of you have to develop a growth mindset. The problem is that most of us are firmly entrenched in a fixed mindset. It's just ingrained into us to believe that we have limits based on the talents and circumstances to which we are born.
In this episode, we wrap up our series on Carol Dweck's Mindset and the differences between having a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. One of the best things about knowing which mindset you fall into is that once you know you can change it.

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
There's good news for all of you out there who now realize that you are stuck in a fixed mindset. We've spent the last several episodes breaking down just what it means to have a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset. One is conducive to success; the other is not. These mindsets derive from a book by psychologist Carol Dweck which breaks down the various traits associated with each.
In this episode, we take a look at three simple techniques which will help you begin to crossover from fixed to growth... a move you absolutely have to make if you wish to reach your maximum potential.

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Your perception of hard work is a direct indicator of whether or not you will be able to achieve your dreams. Over the last several episodes, we've delved into the two mindsets that determine your ability to succeed. Folks with a fixed mindset resent having to work hard to achieve success. They believe that the truly successful don't have to work because of their situations and skillsets. Growth mindset people know it's all about the work.
In this episode, we take a deeper look at how for the highly successful in the world it's the work that truly brings them joy...not just the end results.

Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Do you find yourself celebrating the success of those around you or do you resent it when someone else achieves a newer status or level of accomplishment? Those with fixed mindsets resent those who succeed. They tell themselves when someone else succeeds, that's it's because of the advantages that person had in life that gave him or her an edge. That absolves them from taking responsibility for their own failures.
In this episode, we continue our look at Carol Dweck's book Mindset. In it she outlines the two ways of thinking that dictate our ability to ah=chvie the level of success we want. Turn out how you see others reflects on the limitations you have imposed upon yourself.

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
When you start something, especially something you find important. do you always finish it or do you quit the moment it gets tough? Everyone can keep going as long as the path is smooth, quitting at the first sign of struggle is one of the surest signs of a fixed mindset.
In this episode, we continue our discussion of the two kinds of mindsets that determine our ability to achieve success. One thing is for sure, quitting is the sure-fire way to make sure you never achieve success.

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
From the time we are small kids many of us have it drilled into our heads that mistakes are bad and failure must be avoided at all costs. It's ironic when you think that when we are really small children, everything we learn comes from trial and error. Somehow, we are supposed to outgrow that. As adults, we are to avoid failure at all costs. At least, that's the way we believe if we suffer from a fixed mindset. In her book, Mindset, psychologist Carol Dweck separates us into two mindsets: fixed and growth. A person with a fixed mindset believes that their ability to succeed is determined by the talents and the circumstances with which they were born. Those with a growth mindset see those as starting points only with unlimited potentials for those who are willing to put in the work.
In part two of our series on Mindset. we take a look at how the way you view mistakes and failures determines your ability to achieve the level of success you aspire to. Hint... they aren't the bad things we've learned to believe they are.

Monday Jan 17, 2022

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Good habits performed consistently create momentum that leads you to where you want to go. Whenever we start a new productive habit (reading, writing, cold-calling, practicing, etc.) we know that we have taken the first step toward success. However, it's not always easy for that first step to become a second step, and then a third, and a fourth, etc. Lack of consistency prevents us from gaining any momentum.
In this episode, we steal an old trick from one of my favorite comedians who used it to create the momentum that helped him rise to the top of the entertainment world. He ended up using it to launch a show about nothing.

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Sometimes, the battles that take place in our minds and the thoughts we wrestle with just seem silly upon closer inspection. If we were to ever imply that an athlete could compete at their absolute best without ever practicing, we'd be laughed at and ridiculed (and rightfully so). Yet, we, as business owners and salespeople, NEVER practice and yet wonder why we don't achieve the level of success we want. Go figure!
In today's episode, we turn once again to the advice of Herschel Walker. The Georgia football legend once again demonstrates that lessons from the gridiron can kick our businesses into the endzone as well.